Smooth&Rifled is a game system designed to recreate
skirmish games with 28, 20 or 15mm miniatures.
This very first edition covers the period
from approximately 1700 to approximately 1900.
The French and Indian Wars, the American Revolution,
the Napoleonic wars, the American Civil War and the wars
of the Colonial era are just some of the periods you can play with S&R.

in the image above the Italian version

Smooth&Rifled is available in PDF format.
At just 9 Euros /11.99USD you become
a supporting customer and you will receive for free
all future PDF versions of S&R.

For lists, news and other stuff dedicated to Smooth&Rifled
please visit http://smooth-and-rifled.blogspot.com

This version (1.5) has 31 full color pages, A5 format
(ideal for tablets, but you can print by putting 2 pages aside).
The file is around 14MBs, watermarked.

Please note
The rules are at the moment available only through Wargames Vault - direct link to product.
We are forced to do so (and not to sell through our shop) due to new EUVAT that is creating a big mess and damage to small companies operating in the digital market in Europe.
By buying through Wargames Vault you will be still entitled to get updated version of the rules, so nothing change for the final customer.