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GA-CP= Galloppers; TR-CP= Trotters; RE-CP= Reiters; CL= Light Cavalry; P&M-FP= Pike & Muskets; TE= Tercios, DR-FL= Dragoons; S= Skirmishers; T= Musketeers; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

2 TR-CP(*) 8 7 3 3 Cuirassiers - Point Blank Pistol
2 RE-CP 8 4 1 3 Pistol (Various weapon)
1 CL 12 3 0 2 Mounted Carabins Arquebus A
2 P&M-FP 5 5 1 2 Pikes - Muskets - MM=-1
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

Change Art with
1 DR-FL 8 3 1 1 Muskets

EARLY IMPERIAL 1618-1632 (VDT=17/9)
1 TR-CP(*) 8 7 3 3 Cuirassiers - Point Blank Pistol
1 CL 12 3 1 1 Croats Arquebus A
2 RE-CP 8 4 1 3 Pistol (Various weapon)
3 P&M-FP 5 5 1 2 Pikes - Muskets - MM=-1
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

Change Art with
1 DR-FL 8 3 1 1 Muskets

LATE IMPERIAL 1632-1638 (VDT=18/9)
1 TR-CP(*) 8 7 3 3 Cuirassiers - Point Blank Pistol
2 TR-CP 8 6 2 3 Point Blank Pistol
1 RE-CP 8 4 1 3 Pistol (Various weapon)
1 CL 12 3 1 1 Croats - Arquebus A
2 P&M-FP 5 5 1 2 Pikes - Muskets
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

Change Art with
1 DR-FL 8 3 1 1 Muskets

DANISH 1626-1645 (VDT=19/10)
2 TR-CP(*) 8 7 3 3 Cuirassiers - Point Blank Pistol
2 RE-CP 8 4 1 3 German Reiter - Pistol (Various weapon)
1 T 6 4 0 2 Guard - Musket
2 P&M-FP 5 5 1 2 Pikes - Muskets - MM=-1
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

EARLY SWEDISH 1630-1634 (VDT=17/9 if no option)
2 TR-CP(*) 8 5 2 3 Point Blank Pistol
1 GA-CP 10 5 3 2 Finnish
1 DR-FL 8 3 1 1 Muskets
1 P&M-FP 6 6 2 3 Veteran Pikes - Muskets - MM=-2 - Regimental guns
2 P&M-FP 6 5 2 2 Pikes - Muskets - MM=-2 - Regimental guns
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

Change 1 P&M Unit with
1 FP 8 4 3 1 Scots&Irish - Impetuous

Special rule. Swedish P&M don't shoot at "Long Distance". Swedish P&M get no penalty if they move and enter the "Short distance" before shooting. If already within the "short distance" they can shoot and then move (charge) without penalty.

LATER SWEDISH 1635-1648 (VDT=19/10)
3 GA-CP(*) 10 5 4 3 with Commanded Musketeers - Muskets, MM=-3
1 TR-CP 8 5 2 3 German Veterans - Point Blank Pisol
1 DR-FL 8 3 1 1 Muskets
1 P&M-FP 6 6 2 3 Veteran Pikes - Muskets - MM=-2 - Regimental guns
1 P&M-FP 6 5 2 2 Pikes - Muskets - MM=-2 - Regimental guns
1 ART 3 1 0 1 Art A

Special rule. Swedish P&M don't shoot at "Long Distance". Swedish P&M get no penalty if they move and enter the "Short distance" before shooting. If already within the "short distance" they can shoot and then move (charge) without penalty.

More lists coming soon

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