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CGP= Heavy Chariots; CGL= Light Chariots; CF= Schyted Chariots; CP= Heavy Cavalry; CM= Medium Cavalry; CL= Light Cavalry; FP= Heavy Infantry; FL= Light Infantry; S= Skirmishers; T= Missile Troops, EL= Elephants ; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

ATZEC 1370-1530 (VDT=21/12)
2 FL(*) 6 5 3 3 Jaguar warriors - impetuous
2 FL 8 4 3 2 Eagle warriors - impetuous
3 T 6 4 2 2 Arrow warriors - short bow A
1 FL 8 5 3 3 Shamams - impetuous
2 S 8 2 0 1 Cuahchiqueh - javelin, sling ot short bow B
special rule. All Units with the exception of Jaguar Warriors can perform a double movement at first turn.

CONQUISTADORES 1494-1530 (VDT=16/8 o 17/9 se con opzione)
1 CM(*) 10 5 2 3
1 FP 5 4 2 3 Met at arms
1 FL 8 2 3 1 Perros de guerra (wardogs)
2 FL 8 3 3 2 Tlaxcalan allies - impetuous
1 S 8 2 0 1 arquebus B or crossbow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 Tlaxcalan allies short bow B
2 T 8 2 0 1 Arcabuceros - arquebus B
1 ART 3 1 0 1 artillery B
Option. Replace wardogs with:
1 FP 5 4 2 3 Piqueros - pikes
Special rule. Tlaxcalan allies and wardogs can perform double movement at first turn.

INCAS 1440-1534 AD (VDT=20/10)
1 FL(*) 6 5 2 3 Imperial Guard
2 FL 8 5 3 3 Warriors - impetuous
3 FL 8 3 1 2 Militia - javelin
1 FL 8 4 3 2 Quechua allies - impetuous
3 S 8 2 0 1 sling

QUECHUA 1360-1540 AD (VDT=18/9)
1 FL(*) 8 6 3 3 Sacred warriors
6 FL 8 5 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 S 8 2 0 1 sling
2 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B

CHANCA and CHIMU 1350-1540 AD (VDT=18/9)
1 FP(*) 5 6 2 3 Royal Guard
5 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 FL 8 5 3 3 Warrior priests - sling
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 sling

AMAZZONIC TRIBES 1350-1540 AD (VDT=16/8)
5 FL(*) 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
2 T 6 3 0 2 Hunters - short bow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 blowpipe
1 S 8 2 0 1 javelin
Note. Blowpipw shoot on the table as javelin (malus applies on movement)

MIXTEC (ZAPOTEC) 1300-1522 AD (VDT=18/9)
1 FP(*) 5 6 2 3 Temple Guard
5 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 T 6 3 0 2 Militia - short bow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 Peasants - sling
2 S 8 2 0 1 Chichimec allies – short bow B

TOLTEC 1300-1521 AD (VDT=19/10)
1 FP(*) 5 5 2 3 Cholucalan – warrior priests
4 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 FL 8 3 3 2 Otomi allies - impetuous - javelin
2 T 6 3 0 2 Palace archers - short bow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B
1 S 8 2 0 1 javelin

TLAXCALAN 1340-1515 AD (VDT=18/9)
1 FP(*) 5 6 2 3 Warrior priests
5 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
2 S 8 2 0 1 Militia - javelin or sling
3 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B

TLAXCALAN 1516-1540 AD (VDT=19/10)
1 CM(*) 10 5 2 3 Conquistadores
1 FP 5 4 2 3 Conquistadores
4 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
2 S 8 2 0 1 Militia - javelin or sling
3 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B

MAYA 900-1470 AD (VDT=17/9)
1 FP(*) 5 6 2 3 Nobles
4 FL 8 4 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 FL 8 3 3 2 Ah camul – impetuous - sling
2 S 8 2 0 1 Peasants - sling
2 S 8 2 0 1 Younger warriors – short bow B

PUEBLOS 900 - 1500 AD (VDT=19/10)
1 FL(*) 8 6 3 3 Sacred warriors - impetuous
5 FL 8 5 3 2 Warriors - impetuous
1 T 6 3 0 2 Hunters – short bow B
2 S 8 2 0 1 sling
2 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B

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