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CGP= Heavy Chariots; CGL= Light Chariots; CF= Schyted Chariots; CP= Heavy Cavalry; CM= Medium Cavalry; CL= Light Cavalry; FP= Heavy Infantry; FL= Light Infantry; S= Skirmishers; T= Missile Troops, EL= Elephants ; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

ITALIAN CITY STATES XII Cent. (VDT=16/8 or VDT=18/9 with Carroccio)
2 CP(*) 8 6 2 3 Nobles
3 FP 5 5 1 2 long spear
1 T 5 3 0 2 Mercenaries - crossbow A
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B or crossbow B
1 FP 5 3 1 1 Contado (farmers)
Option. Change one FP Unit (VBU=5) with:
1 W 5 5 0 4 Carroccio wagon

15mm Mirliton

ITALIAN CITY STATES XIII Cent. (VDT=16/8 if without options)
2 CP(*) 8 6 2 3 Nobles
1 CP 8 7 3 2 Mercenaries
2 FP 5 5 1 2 long spear
1 T 5 3 0 2 crossbow and pavese
1 FP 5 3 1 1 Contado (farmers)
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B or crossbow B
Option. Change one FP Unit (with VBU=5) or one CP Unit with:
1 W 5 5 0 4 Carroccio wagon
or with
1 CL 12 3 0 1 Berrovieri - various
Special Rule. Crossbowmen with Pavese nullify Impetus Bonus of mounted ememies and give a -1 malus on shooting if charged or shot at from front.

15mm Mirliton

2 CP(*) 8 7 4 3 Emperor and retinue
1 CP(*) 8 6 2 3 Nobles
1 FP 5 4 1 2
1 T 5 3 0 2 Mercenaries - crossbow A
1 FP 5 5 1 2 Mercenaries
2 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B or crossbow B

FREDERICK II SWABIANS, XIII Cent.(VDT=17/9) revised March 11 2008
3 CP(*) 8 7 4 3 Local Nobles
2 FP 5 4 1 2 City Militia
2 T 6 3 0 2 Imperial crossbowmen - crossbow A
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B or crossbow B
1st Option. Change 1 T Unit with:
T 6 3 0 2 Arab archers from Benevento - short bow A
2^ Option. Change one S Unit with:
1 S 8 2 0 1 Sicilian Infantry - javelin
3rd Option. Increase by 1 point the FP Unit's VBU (upgraded to mercenaries) and lower by 1 point one the CP Unit's VBU.
15mm Camelot Games

KONRADIN SWABIANS, XIII Cent.(VDT=17/9) revised March 11 2008
3 CP(*) 8 7 4 3 Local Nobles
2 FP 5 4 1 2 City Militia
2 T 6 3 0 2 Umbrian crossbowmen - crossbow A
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B or crossbow B
1st Option. Change one T Unit with:
CL 12 3 1 2 Ginettes - javelin
2nd Option. Increase by 1 point the FP Unit's VBU (upgraded to mercenaries) and lower by 1 point one the CP Unit's VBU
15mm Camelot Games

ANGEVINES XII-XIII Cent. (VDT=16/8) revised March 25 2008
2 CP(*) 8 7 4 3 Anjou Nobles
1 CP 8 7 4 3 Italian Nobles
2 FP 5 5 1 2 Mercenaries
1 T 6 3 0 2 short bow A
1 S 8 2 0 1 crossbow B or short bow B

15mm Camelot Games

More lists coming soon

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