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CGP= Heavy Chariots; CGL= Light Chariots; CF= Schyted Chariots; CP= Heavy Cavalry; CM= Medium Cavalry; CL= Light Cavalry; FP= Heavy Infantry; FL= Light Infantry; S= Skirmishers; T= Missile Troops, EL= Elephants ; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

FRENCH 1150-1330 AD (VDT=16/8)
3 CP(*) 8 7 4 3
2 FP 5 4 1 2 long spear
3 S 8 2 0 1 crossbow B or short bow B

1st Option. Change 2 S Units with:
1 T 6 4 0 1 Genoese mercenaries - crossbow A

2nd Option. Change 1 FP Unit with:
2 FP 5 2 1 1 Peasant levies

15mm Camelot Games

ANGLO NORMANS 1072-1180 AD (VDT=15/8)
3 CP(*) 8 6 4 3
3 FP 5 4 1 1
2 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B

Option. Remore 1 S and upgrade to VBU=7 one Unit of CP.

ENGLISH 1180-1330 AD (VDT=13/7)
2 CP(*) 8 6 2 3
3 T 6 3 0 1 longbow B
3 FP 5 4 1 1
1 S 8 2 0 1 sling, crossbow B or javelin

Option. Change 1 T Unit with:
1 T 6 3 0 1 Mercenary crossbowmen - crossbow A

WELSH 1100-1400 AD (VDT=21/11) updated 3 april 09
1 CM(*) 10 5 2 3
4 T 6 3 0 2 longbow B
4 FL 8 4 1 2 long spear
2 S 8 2 0 1 javelin
Notes. FL Units with Long Spear nullify Impetus bonus of mounted troops.

WALLACE AND BRUCE SCOTS (VDT=18/9) updated 3 April 09
1 CP(*) 8 6 2 3 Nobles
1 FL 8 4 2 2 Highlanders or Islemen - short bow B - Impetuous
6 FP(*) 5 4 1 2/3(*) Schiltron - pikes
1 S 8 2 0 1 short bow B
Option. Change 1 CP Unit with:
FP(*) 5 6 2 3 Nobles

Special rules. Schiltrons can form Large Units and are disorderd if they move. If not already disordered Schiltron are not disordered if attacked on flank or on rear.


More lists coming soon

NumeroTipoMVBUIVDNote e armi da tiro
3 FP(*) 5 5 2 3 Gallowglass
4 FL(*) 8 4 2 3 Highlanders - short bow B - Impetuous
2 S 8 2 0 1 arco corto B

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