Winner (enemy's army has been routed) gets 30 Pts (Winner Bonus) + 100pts (100% of destroyed VDs) - percentage of lost VDs.
Looser (rout) gets as many points as the percentage of VD he has destroyed.
In case of “draw” (no routs) both players get 20 Pts (bonus) + percentage of destroyed VDs.
If both armies are routed the result is 70 to 70.
Units belonging to a routed Command are considered destroyed.
1) A (VDT=34) beats B (VDT=30) putting in rout, but with the loss of 9VD.
A gets 30 (bonus) + 100 (percentage of destroyed Units) minus 26 (9 is 26% of 34) = 104 pts
B gets 26 pts
2) A (VDT=34) beats B (VDT=30) putting in rout, but with the loss of 15VD.
A gets 30 (bonus) + 100 (destroyed %) - 44 (lost %) = 86 pts
B gets 44 pts
3) A (VDT=34) destroys 6 VD of B (VDT=30) and the latter destroyes 13 VD of A. No army is routed.
A gets 20 (bonus) + 20 (%) = 40 pts
B gets 20 (bonus) + 38 (%) = 58 pts
Updated Score chart to download (to easy calculate percentages)