English version

Beta version – Last change 16/6/05

Pulp Action is an extremely fast, simple, flexible and enjoyable set of rules that uses miniatures to simulate adventures inspired by films and TV series, B-Movies, pulp fiction, horror stories and spy tales.
The B-Team from Foundry. Remind you of anyone?
You will need a handful of miniatures to play (we advise 28mm miniatures by Copplestone Castings, Foundry, Pulp Figures, EM4...), and also a wargames table that represents the chosen setting (build it like a cinema set!), some six-sided dice and a ruler. You will also need a Games Master (GM) with a lot of imagination who follows the rules below (but not too closely)…

Like in the best films, the characters in your adventures are divided into three categories: Heroes, Sidekicks and Extras.
The Hero is the character that the player identifies him/herself with, so there must be at least one Hero for each player. If you wish, the GM can also play a Hero, maybe the Super-Bad-Guy.
As well as the Hero each player can use a few Sidekicks and build a little group of 3 or 4 figures.
Lastly there are the Extras who are only moved by the GM.

a harmless archaeologist? - 28mm Copplestone Castings
Each player can spend up to 100 points to build his team or to give his Hero some extra powers.
The basic cost of a Hero is 30 points. A Sidekick costs 10 points.
You can add other skills to the basic model for a certain cost.

Each model can be given the following skills
The basic skills are:
beach chick and cop - 28mm Foundry 1) Strength/Agility
2) Intuition and observation
3) Persuasion, seduction and trickery
4) Weapons skills
5) Luck

There are also 6) Special skills, that the player can invent for his team, such as for example driving skills, diving skills, etc.
In each skill, including special skills, a character can have a level from 0 to 10. Points are assigned by using the points budget that you have available. Strength and Agility are two alternative skills. This means that the sum of Strength and Agility must not be more than 10.
Luck is a special skill. The level of Luck can be added to other skills, but if you fail then the level will drop by 1. So don’t use it too much and keep it for you Saving Throws!
It costs 1 point to get the first level of any skill. Further increases are more expensive: 5 points per level for a Hero and 2 points for a Sidekick.
Extras are characters that are created and moved by the GM, and if not otherwise defined by the GM they always have level 2 in everything.
With level 0 you can always try to perform an action as if it were Extreme, as long as it should not be considered Absurd or Impossible.

Action! The adventure starts - 28mm Pulp Figures INITIATIVE AND TYPE OF ACTION
At the start of the first turn roll 1d6 per man/squad to decide both the man/squad with the initiative and the number of actions that they may perform (action points). Whoever has most action points moves before whoever has less, but he may pass his turn after each action. It will be his turn again depending on the number of action points left.

In the case of a squad you should add the number of Sidekicks to the d6. E.g. a squad comprising 1 Hero and 2 Sidekicks rolls 1d6 for initiative. The player rolls a 4. The action points that the team can use are 6 (4+2). The 6 points can be sub-divided amongst the 3 miniatures as you wish.
The Extras and any eventual Hero moved by the GM have 3 action points by default, but Heroes and Sidekicks can always react before these miniatures complete the action they intend to perform.
Unless otherwise stated by the GM, when action points are equal, the initiative belongs to the Heroes and Sidekicks and then to the Extras.

The actions (that can be performed in any order) are:
1) Move 7cm + the number of cm equivalent to your Agility
If you have the action points required you can perform up to two moves in the same turn. The model is running.
2) Fire
There are no limits to how many times you can fire, as long as you have enough action points.
Obviously the skill in question is “Weapons Skills”.
Lola, a professional…? - 28mm Foundry 3) Other actions that the player declares he want to perform. The player must also indicate what skill he will use The GM will evaluate the action and decide the level of difficulty (see below).

When a miniature with the initiative performs an action (fights, talks etc) interacting with another miniature (owned by another player) the latter can also activate (passive activation) to react to the input, by using one of his action points. The activated miniature can again activate when it is his turn, as long as he has some points left.
If he has no points left (they have already been used that turn) the miniature has the right to react to another, but he will not spend any points (so be careful if you solicit miniatures that have used their action points).
"Passive activation" can also be provoked by the GM by presenting a situation to the players. The player can decide whether to react and spend points if he has them.
When all miniatures has been activated by the players (or the GM for Extras) a new turn will start.

Spies or Hitmen? - 28mm Foundry PERFORMING ACTIONS
The player declares that he wants to perform a certain action and rolls the number of d6 that correspond to his level in the skill required. The action is successful with a 6, or even a 5 if it’s a Hero. It does not matter how many 5s or 6s are rolled, 1 is enough o succeed.
It is always up to the GM to decide the difficulty of an action. The action may be: Simple, Normal, Difficult, Extreme, Absurd, or Impossible.
In some cases the GM may allow automatic success (e.g. opening an unlocked door).
 <<Give me back my Harley!>> - 28mm Copplestone Castings Heroes always simplify the action by one level, and Extras increase the difficulty by one level. This means that an action judged Difficult for a Sidekick is Normal for a Hero and Extreme for an Extra. Only Heroes can attempt Absurd actions as for them they become "just" Extreme.

Distance (in cm)103060100150
Thrown weaponsNDAII
Antique FirearmsNDEAI
Modern FirearmsSNDEA
Difficulty is increased by one level if the target is under cover
Difficulty is increased by one level if the firer or the target is running

S= Simple, dice are doubled; N= Normal, dice do not change; D= Difficult, the dice are halved and rounded down. E= Extreme, 1 dice only.
Absurd is impossible for everyone except for heroes who, dropping a level, can perform the action with Extreme difficulty.

the mad scientist that wants to destroy the world? - 28mm Pulp Figures SAVING THROW
When hit by a weapon or in any other situation where failure to complete the action can lead to the wounding or death of the model, you must make a saving throw. The Saving Throw (which is not an action, just a test) is made with a roll of a number of d6 corresponding to the sum of either Agility or Strength + Luck. If you fail the model takes the damage decided by the GM (who may also require a roll on Luck to decide).

After a first reading, which will have given you a rough idea of how Pulp Action works, let’s go on a little adventure.

our hero in action - 28mm Copplestone Castings
Indiana Jack, experienced adventurer, starts his turn looking for treasures in the catacombs of Volterra with 5 action points (he rolled a 5 on a d6).
Everything is quiet, so he spends his first action point to look for precious objects trusting to his, "Intuition and observation" skills.
Indiana has an excellent 4 in this skill. The GM says that the search is "difficult" (it’s very dark…), so the 4 dice (the same as the skill level in question) should be halved. But Indiana is a Hero so for him the action is "Normal" (after all it’s his job…). Indiana Jack rolls 4 dice (result: 2-2-5-6), giving 2 successful rolls (even a 5 works for a hero), but as we have seen all you need is one success so the other is irrelevant.
The GM rewards the player with a small piece of information: "4cm further on you can see some light coming through a crack". Indiana decides to spend his second action point to move these 4cm and look closer at the light. The GM interrupts the players’ movement just a few mm from the crack and makes him roll on his Luck. This is not an action, just a “test”, so no action points are spent.
Indiana Jack has a Luck of 5. The GM declares that the situation is "Extreme", which, for our hero, means "Difficult". He only rolls 2 dice (half of 5, rounded down) and obtains a 1 and a 4. The GM (sadist!) makes Indiana drop through a hidden trap-door and while he is falling the GM reminds him that his luck is now level 4, since he failed the roll.
Has our hero been hurt? Let’s see with a Saving Throw. Indiana Jack has a Strength of 2 and Agility 4, so he uses the latter + his Luck (now 4). Jack rolls 8 dice, with three successes (5 or 6). His hat is ruined but our hero is still in one piece...

This was the first draft of Pulp Action. Obviously we would ask you to test it and post any observations, suggestions and scenarios to the dedicated forum at Pulp & Adventure di D&P online


Basement Generals
Back of Beyond
Cannon Fodder
Chaos in Cairo
Copplestone Castings
Pulp Era - Miniatures Showcase
Pulp Figures
Rattrap Productions
TW Figurines

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