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CGP= Heavy Chariots; CGL= Light Chariots; CF= Schyted Chariots; CP= Heavy Cavalry; CM= Medium Cavalry; CL= Light Cavalry; FP= Heavy Infantry; FL= Light Infantry; S= Skirmishers; T= Missile Troops, EL= Elephants ; ART= Artillery

M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus, D= Discipline; VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value

(*) Unit that can include general

EARLY SUMERIANS - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-6 CGP- Battle cars (*) 6 5 3 C 3 13
0-2 CGL - Straddle cars 10 4 2 B 2 18 Various
0-1 CL - Scouts 12 3 0 C 1 13 Javelin
0-4 T - Royal Bowmen 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
8-24 FP - Spearmen (*not CiC) 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Long spear
0-3 FP - Guards (*) 5 5 3 B 3 20
0-3 FL - Mattu 8 3 1 B 1 17 Javelin
0-4 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-6 S - Nim Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-6 S - Nim Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 FL - Guti 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Spearmen can form Large Units.
Upgrade up to 1/2 of deployed Spearmen to VBU=5. Final cost 21pts per Unit.
Upgrade Generals (not incompetent or coward) on battle car to VBU=6. Final cost 19pts per Unit.
Guti can form a Large Unit.

NUBIANS 2800 - 700 BC - released on January 11 2015
CS=Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-4 FL- Warriors (*) 8 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
12-32 T - Archers (*) 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
OR S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-4 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Warriors can form Large Units.
You can upgrade up to 50% of deployed S - Archers to VBU=3, final cost 14 pts per Unit.

AKKADIAN EMPIRE 2344-2193 BC - released on January 11 2015
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-3 CGP- Battle cars (*) 8 5 3 B 3 18
Can dism. as S - Dismounted crew (*) 8 3 2 B 3 Various weapons
0-1 CGL- Straddle cars 8 4 2 B 2 18 Various weapons
0-1 CL - Scouts 10 3 0 C 1 11 Javelin
0-3 FL - Guards (*) 8 5 3 B 3 25 Various weapons
0-3 T - Royal Bowmen 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
0-8 FP - Household Spearmen (* not CiC) 5 5 1 B 2/3 21(16) Pike
OR FL - Household Spearmen 8 4 1 B 2 19(15) Long Spear
8-24 FP - Militia Spearmen 5 4 1 C 1 12(9) Pike
4-12 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
2-12 S - Nim Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
2-12 S - Nim Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short bow B
0-6 FL - Amurru Bedouin 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
0-8 FL - Martu 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
0-8 T - Elamite Archers 6 4 0 C 1 14 Short bow A

NOTES AND OPTIONS. You can upgrade Generals (not incompetent or coward) on battle car to VBU=6. Final cost 24pts per Unit.
FP Spearmen must form Large Units. FL Spearmen may form Large Units.
You can upgrade the front rank of Militia Spearmen to VBU5, final cost is 16pts.

MINOANS AND EARLY MYCENAEANS - last review: January 18 2015
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CGP- Chariots (*) 8 6 3 B 3 24
6-16 FP - Spearmen (*not CiC) 5 5 1 B 2/3 21(16) Long spear
+ T - Supporting Archers 5 3 0 B 1 10 Short Bow A
0-4 FL - Javelinmen 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
0-6 FL - Swordsmen (* not CiC) 8 4 3 B 2/3 18
0-4 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-4 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
0-4 T - Lybian or Nubian Mercenaries 6 4 0 B 1 18 Short bow A
0-8 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 FL - Lybian or Nubian Mercenaries 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Spearmen can form Large Units with other Spearmen OR with Supporting Archers.
Supporting Archers perform indirect fire over FP without penalty.
Upgrade one or more swordsmen to VBU=5. Final cost 22 pts per Unit.

ACHAIANS (Trojan War) - released January 11 2015
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CGL- Chariots (*) 10 5 3 B 3 20
Can dism. as FL - Heroes and Warriors (*) 8 5 2 B 3
0-2 CM- Cavalry 10 4 2 C 1 13
0-3 FL - Myrmidons(* - not Cic) 8 5 3 B 2/3 20
4-16 FL - Spearmen 8 4 2 B 1 19 Long Spear
0-8 FP - Nestor's Spearmen 5 5 1 B 2 12 Long Spear
+ T - Supporting Archers 5 3 0 B 1 10 Short Bow A
2-10 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-6 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
2-10 T - Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
OR S - Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short bow B

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Generals (not Incompetent or Coward) can be upgraded to VBU=6. The final cost is 26pts.
They can be deployed on foot as FL.
Heroes and Warriors on foot can be provided with Long Spear at +3pts per Unit (you can spend 3 more pts for Chariots to use Long Spear once the Unit dismounts).
Nestor's Spearmen must form Large Units with supporting archers. Supporting archers have not penalty for indirect shooting.
You can upgrade up to 50% of deployed FL Spearmen to VBU=5 and VD=2. Final cost 23 pts per Unit.

TROJANS (Trojan War) - released January 11 2015
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CGL- Chariots (*) 10 5 3 B 3 20
Can dism. as FL - Heroes and Warriors (*) 8 5 2 B 3
0-2 CM- Cavalry 10 4 2 C 1 13
0-3 FL - Myrmidons(* - not Cic) 8 5 3 B 2/3 20
4-16 FL - Spearmen 8 4 2 B 1 19 Long Spear
0-8 FL - Lukka 8 4 4 C 1 12(9) Impetuous
0-10 FL - Thracians 8 4 2 B 1 20 Javelin
2-10 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-6 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
2-10 T - Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
OR S - Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short bow B

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Generals (not Incompetent or Coward) can be upgraded to VBU=6. The final cost is 26pts.
They can be deployed on foot as FL.
Heroes and Warriors on foot can be provided with Long Spear at +3pts per Unit (you can spend 3 more pts for Chariots to use Long Spear once the Unit dismounts).
Lukka can form Large Units. You can upgrade the first rank of Lukka Large Units to VBU=5, VD=2. Final cost 17pts. You can upgrade up to 50% of deployed FL Spearmen to VBU=5 and VD=2. Final cost 23 pts per Unit.

MIDDLE ASSYRIANS 14-12th Cent. BC - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
4-8 CGL- Chariots (*) 10 5 2 B 3 22 Various weapons
2-12 T - Ashasharittu (* not CiC) 6 5 2 B 2/3 22 Short bow B
0-18 T - Peasant militia 6 3 1 C 1 10 Short bow B
0-1 FL - Kallapani 10 4 0 B 1 18 Various weapons
0-10 T - Levy Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
OR S - Levy Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Ashasharittu were elite close combat foot supported by archers. Peasant militia adopted similar tactics.
Kallapani were foot carried on carts whose role was to support the chariots with bow and javelin shooting.
They can be depicted accordingly.

EARLY HEBREW 1250-1000 BC - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-2 FL- Picked Men (*) 8 5 3 C 3 17
2-8 FL- Simeonites and Ephramites (*) 8 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
10-24 FL - Other tribes (*) 8 4 2 C 2/3 12
0-6 T - Benjaminite archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
OR S - Benjaminite archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-8 S - Benjaminite slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-8 S - Gadites 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-8 S - Isacharians 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-1 WW - Arc of the Covenant 5 6 0 B 4 20

NOTES AND OPTIONS. This is the army of Joshua and Saul.
You can upgrade up to 2 Units of S Slingers to VBU=3. The new cost per Unit is 14pts.
Arc of the Covenant is treated as Wagenburg for movement purpose. This special Unit gives a +1 to Coehsion Test to all friendly Units that are even partially within 20cm.

LATER HEBREW/ISRAELITES 1000 - 800 BC - last review: 14 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CGL - Chariots (*) 10 4 2 B 3 19 Various
2-4 FL- Gibborim or Mighty men of Valour (*) 8 5 3 B 3 22
0-4 FL - Zebulun, Dan and Asher (*) 8 4 2 B 2/3 17
0-4 FL - Levites and Zealots 8 5 2 C 2 16
8-16 FL - Other Tribes 8 4 2 C 2 12
3-8 T - Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
OR S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-4 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. For David only .
The army of David may be Average Command Structure for a cost of 12 points

Replace CGL with 0 - 2 CGL- Chariots
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-2 CGL - Chariots (*) 10 5 2 B 3 22 Various

The army of David may also include bodyguard units
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-4 FP - Philistine and other Mercenaries\Bodyguard (*) 5 5 2 B 2/3 22 Long Spear

NOTES AND OPTIONS. For ALL You may upgrade up to 4 Other Tribes to Isacharians
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
FL - Isacharians (*) 8 4 1 B 2/3(*) 19 Javelin

You may upgrade one or more CGL to VBU 5 the new cost is 22pts each
You may upgrade up to 50% of deployed slingers to VBU 3 the new cost is 14pts each

PHILISTINES 1160-600 BC - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-10 CGL- Chariots (*) 10 5 2 B 3 22 Various
8-24 FL- Foot (*) 8 5 3 C 2/3 17
4-24 FL - Javelinmen 8 4 1 B 2 19 Javelin
0-6 T - Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. From 1100 BC change all FL- Foot to
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
FP- Spearmen (*) 5 5 1 B 2/3 21 Long Spear

SARGONID ASSYRIANS 7th Cent. BC - last review: January 12 2015
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-5 CGP- Chariots (*) 8 6 5 B 3 29 Various weapons
0-1 CM- Guard Cavalry (*) 10 6 3 B 3 33 Comp. bow C
0-2 CL- Cimmerian/Skythians 12 4 1 B 2 27 Comp. bow B
2-8 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 2/3 26 Comp. bow C
OR CL- Scouts 12 3 0 B 1 18 Comp. bow C
0-4 CGL- Kallapani 10 4 0 B 1 19 Various weapons
Can dism. as FL - Kallapani 8 4 1 B 1 - Various weapons
0-1 FP - Guard (*) 5 6 2 A 3 30
0-1 S - Guard Archers 8 3 0 B 1 14(11) Short bow B
0-2 FP - Elite Close Order (* Not CiC) 5 5 2 B 2/3 22 Pavise
0-2 FL - Elite Loose order 8 5 2 B 2 21
0-4 T - Elite Archers 6 4 0 B 2 18(13) Short bow A
OR S - Elite Archers 8 3 0 B 1 14(11) Short bow B
1-4 FP - Line Close order (* not CiC) 5 5 2 B 2/3 19
1-4 FL - Line Loose order 8 4 2 B 1 17
0-8 T - Line Archers 6 3 0 B 1 16(12) Short bow A
OR S - Line Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-8 FP - Auxiliary Close order 5 4 1 C 1 9
OR FL - Auxiliary Loose order 8 4 1 C 1 11
0-12 T - Auxiliary Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
OR S - Auxiliary Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short bow B
0-2 T - Egyptian Archers 6 4 0 C 2 18 Short bow A
4-12 FP - Dikut Mati 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-2 CM - Beduin Camels 10 4 2 B 1 25 Short bow B - Camels
0-6 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Guard/Elite/Line FP can form Large Units with T of the same type (Guard with Guard etc).
Guard Large Unit counts as A Discipline.
Guard/Elite/Line FL can for Large Units with S of the same type.
Both T and S in Large Units don't suffer the -2 penalty on shooting.
You can upgrade up to 1 Unit of S Slingers to Guards with VBU=3. The new cost per Unit is 14pts.
CL scouts cannot outnumber CM.
Minimum for Dikut Mati applies only if any are used.

KUSHITE EGYPTIANS 8th-6th Cent. BC - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-6 CGP- Heavy Chariots (*) 8 6 3 B 3 27 Various weapons
2-6 CGL- Light Chariots (*) 10 5 1 B 2/3 22 Various Weapons
2-6 CM - Cavalry 10 4 1 B 1 19
0-4 CL -Light Cavalry 12 3 0 B 1 18 Javelin
6-20 FL - Spearmen (*) 8 4 4 C 1/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-8 T - Archers 6 3 0 B 1 12 Short bow A
0-6 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-8 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Spearmen can form Large Units.

MEROITIC KUSHITE 529BC-350AD - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-6 CM - Cavalry(*) 10 4 1 B 2/3 19
0-1 CM -Elite Cavalry(*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
8-24 FP - Foot (*) 5 5 1 C 1/3 13(9)
0-6 FP - Sword and Axe men(*) 5 5 2 B 2/3 19
6-12 T - Archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
0-6 S - Trogodyte 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short Bow B
0-2 EL - African Elephants (*) 8 5 4 C 1/3 21

NOTES AND OPTIONS. The C in C cannot be with any infantry unless the army has no elephants or cavalry.
Foot (FP) can form Large Units.

SYRACUSE (IV-II Cent. BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-2 FP - Tyrant Bodyguard Hoplites (*) 5 6 2 A 3 (33)25 Long Spear
10-24 FP - Hoplites (*) 5 5 2 B 2/3 22(17) Long spear
1-4 CM - Greek and Campanian Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 2/3 23
1-4 CL - Sicilian and Tarantine Light Cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-6 FL - Peltasts, Italian and Spanish mercenaries 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
0-6 FL - Gallic Mercenaries 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 FL- Thureophoroi 8 5 1 B 2 20
1-6 S - Citizen Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-4 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 ART - Bolt Shooters 0 1 0 B 1 20 Art C

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Hoplites (same kind and Discipline) can form Large Units.
Gallic Mercenaries and Threoophoroi can be used after 275BC
Gallic Mercenaries can form Large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed Gallic Mercenaries can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit. You can downgrade up to 8 Units of (non Bodyguard) Hoplites to D=C. Final cost 16(12) pts per Unit.
Tyrant Bodyguard Hoplites can move oblique/by side without disorder, but not as a Large Unit.

EARLY ETRUSCAN LEAGUE (600-400 BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS:Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-3 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 3 19
0-1 CL- Scouts 12 3 0 B 1 18 Javelin
2-4 FP - 1st Class Foot (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Long spear
8-24 FP - 2nd and 3rd Class Foot 5 4 1 C 2 12 Long Spear
0-2 FP - Elite (*) 5 5 2 A 3 27 Long Spear
0-1 S - Axemen 8 3 3 B 1 18
0-4 FP - Peasant Militia 5 3 1 C 1 7
2-8 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Hoplites cannot form Large Units.
Generals can be depicted on chariots with other cavalry in the same base.

LATER ETRUSCAN LEAGUE (400-280 BC) - last review: 17 March 2015 (checked)
CS:Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-3 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
0-1 CL- Scouts 12 3 0 B 2 18 Javelin
2-6 FP - Hoplites with pila (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Pilum
6-18 FP - Hoplites (*) 5 4 1 C 2/3 12 Long Spear
0-2 FP - Elite (*) 5 5 2 B 2/3 22 Long Spear
0-1 S - Axemen 8 3 3 B 1 18
0-4 FP - Peasant Militia 5 5 1 C 1 7
2-8 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
1-2 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
4-10 FL - Warbands 12 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 S - Skirmishers 8 2 0 B 1 12
0-1 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 3 19
6-12 FL - Foot (*) 8 5 1 B 2/3 23 Heavy Javelin
OR FL - Foot (*) 8 4 2 B 2/3 20 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. You can upgrade up to 6 Units of Hoplites (VBU=4) to VBU=5 and I=2. Final cost 22pts per Unit.
Hoplites cannot form Large Units.
More than one allied Contingent can be used. Gallic warbands can form Large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed Gallic FL can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.
Heavy javelin works like Pilum, but with 2 dice on attacck and 2 on defense.

TULLIAN ROMANS (VI-V Cent. BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS:Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-3 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
4-12 FP - 1st Class Foot (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Long Spear
4-12 FP - 2nd-3rd Class Foot 5 4 2 B 2 14 Long Spear
2-6 S - 4th Class Foot 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
OR FL - 4th Class Foot 8 3 1 C 1 9 Javelin
0-6 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 7 Javelin
3-8 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
1-4 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
8-16 FP - Hoplites (*) 5 4 1 B 2/3 17 Long Spear

NOTES AND OPTIONS. 1st Class foot and 2nd-3rd Foot must form Large Units, so should be taken in equal number.

EARLY REPUBLICAN ROMANS (400-275 BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS:Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
2-8 LEGIONS each of
1 FP - Hastati (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Pilum
1 FP - Principes (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Long Spear
1 FP - Triarii 5 5 2 A 3 27 Long Spear
1 S - Leves 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-4 FP - Italian Infantry and Accensi 5 4 1 C 1 9
0-4 S - Rorarii 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
OR S - Rorarii 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-1 S - foot with incendiary pigs 8 2 0 C 1 7 Various weapons

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Incendiary pigs gets +2 when "shooting" at (or are in melee with) Elephants.
In case a 1 is rolled (during shooting or melee) the Units turns into a loose cannon and is lost. Any Unit (friend or enemy) within 5U is disordered.

SAMNITES (355-272 BC) - last review: 17 March 2015 (checked)
CS:Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-3 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
10-24 FL - Foot (*) 8 5 1 B 2/3 23 Heavy Javelin
OR FL - Foot (*) 8 4 2 B 2/3 20 Javelin
0-8 FL - Elite Foot (*) 8 6 2 B 3 30 Heavy Javelin
1-2 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
4-10 FL - Warbands (*) 12 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 S - Skirmishers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-1 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 3 19
4-8 FP - Hoplites 5 4 1 B 2 17 Long Spear
0-2 FP - Hoplites (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Long Spear
0-2 FP - Hoplites with pila (*) 5 5 2 B 3 22 Pilum
1-4 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-1 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 3 19
4-12 FL - Foot (*) 8 4 2 C 2/3 12
0-2 FL - Elite (*) 8 5 2 B 3 21
0-2 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Heavy javelin works as Pilum but with 2 dice on attack and 2 on defense.
More than one allied Contingent can be used. Gallic warbands can form Large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed Gallic FL can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.

PYRRHIC (300-262 BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Good (20 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-2 CP- Epeirot and Macedonian Cavalry (*) 10 6 3 B 3 30
1-3 CM- Greek or Italian cavalry (*) 10 4 2 B 2/3 19
0-3 CL - Tarantine or Greek Light cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-8 FP - Italiote Hoplites 5 4 1 B 2 17(13) Long spear
6-12 FP - Phalangites (*) 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Pike
1-6 FL - Thureophoroi, Thracians, Illyrians 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
0-4 FL - Galatians 8 4 4 C 1 12(9) Impetuous
0-6 FL - Oscan Foot 8 4 1 B 1 16
0-2 EL - Elephants 8 5 5 C 1 22
2-6 S - Cretans 8 3 0 B 1 14 Short bow B
0-6 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Phalangites can form Large Units.
Hoplites can form Large Units.
You can upgrade first rank of pikemen to VBU=5 (Veterans), final cost 21pts.
You can upgrade up to half deployed FL to VBU=5, no javelin. Final cost 20 pts per Unit.
Galatian foot can form Large Unit.
Up to 1/3 deployed Galatian FL (1 Unit anyway) can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.

PONTIC (MITHRIDATES) (110-47 BC) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-2 CP- Heavy Cavalry (*) 10 5 3 B 3 24
1-4 CL - Light Cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-2 CL- Skythians 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
0-2 CP - Bosporans or Rhoxolani 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
0-1 CF - Scythed chariots 8 2 5 C 0 7
0-9 FP - Phalangites (*) 5 4 1 B 2/3 17(13) Pike
0-4 FL - Galatians 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 FL - Bastarnae 8 5 5 C 2 17 Impetuous
0-2 FP - Imitation legionaries 5 5 1 C 2 16 Pilum
2-6 FL - Thureophoroi and Thracians 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
2-12 FL - Javelinmen 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
OR S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B

You can upgrade Heavy Cavalry with Generals (not coward or incompetent) to VBU=6. The new cost is 30pts per Unit.
Phalangites can form Large Units.
You can upgrade front rank of Phalangites (with D=B) to Veteran, with VBU=5. The new cost per Unit is 21 pts.
You can downgrade up to half deployed Phalangites (with VBU=4) to D=C (freed slaves).
The new cost is 13(10) per Unit. They can form Large Units only with troops of the same kind.
After 84BC you must change all Phalangites to Imitation legionaries. Maxima can be raisen to 12 Units.
Galatian foot can form Large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed Galatian FL (1 Unit anyway) can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.

SPARTACUS AND SLAVE REVOLTS - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-1 CL - Light cavalry 12 3 1 C 1 16 Javelin
1-3 FP - Gladiators (*) 5 6 3 C 3 21
4-16 FP- Ex Slaves in Roman armour (*) 5 4 2 C 2/3* 10
4-20 FL - Ex Slaves Mob 8 3 2 C 1 8(6)
2-10 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
0-3 CM - Gaul or German cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
0-4 FL - Gauls (*) 8 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-4 FP - Germans (*) 5 5 4 C 2/3 16(12) Impetuous

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Ex Slaves Mob, Gallic foot and German foot can form Large Units.
You can upgrade up to 4 Units of Slaves in Roman armour to VBU=5. Final cost 14pts per Unit.


released: 17 March 2015 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CGP - Heavy Chariots (*) 8 6 3 B 3 27 Various
4-16 FL - Elite Foot with long halberds or spears (*) 8 5 1 B 2/3 23 Long Spear
+ T - Supporting Archers 6 4 0 B 1 10 Short Bow A
6-20 FL - Conscript foot 5 4 1 C 1 14 Long Spear
+ T - Supporting Archers 6 4 0 C 1 5 Short Bow A
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
0-4 S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 FP - Peasants 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-4 T - Elite crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Crossbow A
0-2 ART - Bolt shooters and catapults - 1 0 B 1 20 Art C
0-2 ART - Large crossbows 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-6 TF - Ditch and rampart - - - - - 5

Foot must form Large Units with Supporting Archers of the same kind. T must form the rear rank and can fire without -2 penalty.


released: 17 March 2015 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 26 Crossbow B
1-3 CGP - Heavy Chariots (*) 8 6 3 B 3 27 Various
1-12 CL- Horse Archers (* Not CIC) 12 3 1 B 1/3 25 Comp. Bow B
4-12 T - Regular Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Crossbow A
0-8 FL - Regular Halberdiers & Swordsmen (*) 8 5 2 B 2/3 21
OR FL - Halberdiers & Swordsmen 8 5 4 C 2 16 Impetuous
0-8 FL - Conscript Foot (*) 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
0-8 T - Conscript crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
0-4 FP - Peasants 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-4 S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 ART - Bolt shooters and catapults - 1 0 B 1 20 Art C
0-2 ART - Large crossbows 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-6 TF - Ditch and rampart - - - - - 5

Regular and Conscript Halbardiers & Swordsmen can form Large Units with Crossbowmen of the same kind. T must form the rear rank and can fire without -2 penalty.
Conscript Foot cannot exceed Conscript Crossbowmen.

WESTERN HAN CHINESE last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 26 Crossbow B
0-4 CM- Conscript or Tribal Cavalry 10 4 1 C 1 15
0-2 CGP - Heavy Chariots (*) 8 6 3 B 3 27 Various
1-6 CL- Horse Archers 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. Bow B
0-3 CL - Light Cavalry 12 4 2 B 1 21
0-8 FL - Halberdiers & Swordsmen (*) 8 5 3 B 2/3 22
0-1 T - Guard Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 23 Crossbow A
0-2 FP - Spearmen 5 5 1 B 2 21 Long Spear
0-4 S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-8 FL - Close combat foot 6 5 3 B 2 20
+ T - Supporting crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 1 16 Crossbow A
0-8 FL - Conscript Foot (*) 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
0-8 T - Conscript crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
0-4 FP - Peasants 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-4 FL - Southern Tribal Warriors 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 ART - Bolt shooters and catapults - 1 0 B 1 20 Art C
0-2 ART - Large crossbows 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B

Close Combat Foot must form Large Units with Supporting Crossbowmen. T must form the rear rank and can fire without -2 penalty.
Conscript Foot cannot exceed Conscript Crossbowmen.
You can upgrade one or more Units of Conscript Crossbowmen to VBU=4. Final cost 16pts.
Southern Tribal Warriors can form Large Units.
Chariots were used only until 113BC.

EASTERN HAN CHINESE (23-220 AD) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-2 CM- Elite Cavalry (*) 10 6 2 B 3 29
2-12 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 26 Crossbow B
OR CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
0-4 CM- Conscript or Tribal Cavalry 10 4 1 C 1 15
1-6 CL- Horse Archers 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. Bow B
0-2 FP - Spearmen 5 5 1 B 2 21 Long Spear
0-8 FL - Halberdiers & Swordsmen (*) 8 5 3 B 2/3 22
0-8 T - Conscript crossbowmen 6 3 0 C 1 14 Crossbow A
0-8 FL - Conscript Foot (*) 8 4 2 C 1/3 12
OR S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 FP - Peasants 5 3 1 C 1 7
0-4 FL - Tribal Warriors 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 ART - Light Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 FOR - Wagons used as fortifications - - - - - 5

You can upgrade one or more Units of Conscript Crossbowmen to VBU=4. Final cost 16pts.
Tribal Warriors can form Large Units.

WEI (220-265 AD) and SHU HAN (221-263 AD)
- last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-3 CM - Elite Cavalry (*) 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
2-6 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
2-10 CL - Light Cavalry (*) 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-4 FL- Spearmen (*) 8 5 1 B 2/3 23 Long spear
0-4 FL - Regular Halberdiers (*) 8 5 2 B 2/3 21
0-6 T - Regular Archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
OR T - Regular Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
2-12 FL - Irregular or tribal foot 8 4 2 C 1 12
1-10 T - Irregular Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
OR T - Irregular crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
OR S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 S - "Dare to die" 8 3 3 B 1 16
0-2 ART - Light Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 FOR - Wagons used as fortifications - - - - - 5

NOTES AND OPTIONS. You can upgrade up to 50% of deployed CL to VBU=4 for a final cost of 24 points.

3 KINGDOMS CHINESE: WU (229-280 AD) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
0-2 CL - Light Cavalry 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-8 FL - Regular Halberdiers (*) 8 5 2 B 2/3 21
0-8 T - Regular Archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
OR T - Regular Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
2-12 FL - Irregular or tribal foot 8 4 2 C 1 12
1-10 T - Irregular Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
OR T - Irregular crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
0-6 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
OR S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 S - "Dare to die" 8 3 3 B 1 16
0-2 ART - Light Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 FOR - Wagons used as fortifications - - - - - 5

SOUTHERN DYNASTIES CHINESE (307-589 AD) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
1-4 CP - Cataphracts (*) 8 6 3 B 3 28
OR CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 30 Comp. bow B
2-10 CL - Light Cavalry (*) 12 3 0 B 1/3 22 Comp. bow B
0-4 W- Wagons with missile troops (*) 5 5 0 B 2/3 21 Comp. bow B
0-8 FL - Regular Halberdiers (*) 8 5 2 B 2/3 21
0-8 T - Regular Archers 6 4 0 B 2 18 Short bow A
OR T - Regular Crossbowmen 6 4 0 B 2 21 Crossbow A
2-12 FL - Irregular or tribal foot 8 4 2 C 1 12
1-10 T - Irregular Archers 6 4 0 C 1 13 Short bow A
OR T - Irregular crossbowmen 6 4 0 C 1 16 Crossbow A
0-8 FL - Swordsmen 6 5 3 B 2 20
+ T - Supporting archers 6 4 0 B 1 12 Short bow A
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
OR S - Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-2 S - "Dare to die" 8 3 3 B 1 16
0-2 ART - Light Artillery 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
0-12 FOR - Wagons used as fortifications - - - - - 5

Swordsmen and Supporting Archers must form Large Units (max 4 Large Units).
Supporting Archers form the rear ranks and shoot without -2 penalty.
Cataphracts with General not Incompetent or Coward can be upgraded to VBU=7, final cost is 35pts per Unit.

SERTORIUS'S LUSITANIANS - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-1 CL- Moorish Bodyguard (*) 12 4 2 B 3 24 Javelin
0-3 CM- Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
2-6 CL- Light Cavalry 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-4 FP- Legionaries (*) 5 6 2 B 3 28 Pilum
2-4 FL - Heavy Caetrati 8 4 1 B 2/3(*) 19 Javelin
8-24 S - Caetrati 8 3 1 B 1 17 Javelin
0-4 S - Slingers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Sling
0-6 FL - Mercenary Celtiberians 8 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Celtiberians can form Large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed Celtiberian mercenaries FL can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.

CIMBRI AND TEUTONI - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS=Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-8 CM- Cavalry(*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
10-30 FL - Warbands (*) 8 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-10 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B

NOTES AND OPTIONS. FL Warbands can form large Units.
Up to 1/3 deployed FL can be upgraded at VBU=5 (veterans) for a final cost of 16pts per Unit.
You can upgrade up to 4 Units of S to VBU=3. The new cost is 14pts per Unit.

WESTERN HUNS (STEPPES) 356-570 AD - last review: 11 january 2015
CS= Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-4 CM- Nobles (*) 10 6 1 B 3 31 Comp. bow C
4-20 CL- Mounted archers (*) 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp. bow B
0-2 CP - Sciri or Heruls (*) 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
0-2 CL - Alans 12 4 1 B 2 27 Comp. bow B
2-4 CP - Cavalry (*) 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
0-6 FP - Foot (*) 5 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-6 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short Bow B

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Impetuous foot can form Large Units.
You can upgrade up to half Units of Impetuous foot to VBU=5. Final cost is 16pts per Unit.

PATRICIAN ROMANS - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Average (12 pts) or Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-1 CP- Bucellarii (*) 10 6 3 B 3 30
0-1 CP- Clibanarii (*) 10 6 3 B 3 30
0-4 CM - Equites (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
0-2 CL - Illyricianii 12 3 1 B 1 21 Javelin
0-1 CL - Equites Sagitarii 12 3 0 B 1 22 Comp. bow B
0-4 CL - HUns or Alans (*) 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp bow B
2-8 FP - Comitatenses (*) 5 5 1 B 3 21 Long spear
OR FL - Comitatenses (*) 8 4 1 B 2 19 Javelin
0-8 FP - Pseudocomitatenses 5 5 1 C 3 16 Long spear
OR FL - Pseudocomitatenses 8 4 1 C 2 14 Javelin
0-2 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
OR S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 javelin
0-2 S - Funditores 8 3 0 B 1 14 Sling
0-2 Art - Ballistae 3 1 0 B 1 15 Art B
1-10 CP - Foederati cavalry (*) 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
2-10 FP - Foederati warriors (*) 5 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
0-4 S - Foederati archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
2-10 S - Foederati javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Bucellarii Units must include Generals.
Up to 1/4 of deployed Comitatenses FP can be upgraded to Palatina with VBU=6. Final cost 27pts per Unit.
For every 2 Units of Roman FP (Palatina, Comitatenses or Pseudocomitatenses) deployed you can deploy a Unit of Lanciarii
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
S - Lanciarii 8 3 0 B 1 14 Javelin
You can upgrade one or more units of Ballistae to Carrobalistae with M=6. The new cost is 20pts per Unit.
You can upgrade up to 50% of Foederati Warriors to VBU=5. The new cost is 16pts per Unit.
Warriors can form Large Units. From 450AD Equites, Equites Sagittarii and Illyricianii must be replaced with
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-7 CL - Sagittarii Cataphractarii 12 3 1 B 1 25 Comp. bow B
You can upgrade up to 50% of deployed Sagittarii Cataphractarii to VBU=4 and VD=2. The final cost is 27pts per Unit.
Comitatenses and Pseudocomitatenses FL nullify the impetus bonus of impetuous foot.
For every deployed Comitatenses, Pseudocomitatenses and Palatina FP you can deploy 1 Unit of Supporting Sagittarii Archers.
These T Units must form Large Units with FP. You can depict them as S if you prefer.
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
T - Supporting Sagittarii 6 3 0 - 1 10 Short bow A

ATTILA'S WESTERN HUNS (433-453 AD) - revised 11 January 2015
CS= Poor (0 pts) or Average (12pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-3 CM- Nobles (*) 10 6 2 B 3 32 Comp. bow C
4-16 CL- Mounted Archers (*) 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp. bow B
2-10 CP - Ostrogoths, Gepids or Sciri (*) 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
4-12 FP - German Warriors (*) 5 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
OR FP - Reluctant German Warriors 5 4 1 C 1 9(7)
0-8 T - Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short bow A
OR S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short bow B
OR S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin

German Warriors can form Large Units (impetuous only with impetuous).
You can upgrade up to half Units of Impetuous foot to VBU=5 (Veterans). Final cost is 16pts per Unit.

WHITE HUNS (HEPHTHALITES) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-2 CM- Nobles (*) 10 6 1 B 3 31 Comp. bow C
OR CL- Nobles (*) 12 4 1 B 3 27 Comp. bow B
6-18 CL - Huns (*) 12 4 1 B 2/3 27 Comp. bow B
1-3 EL- Indian Elephants 8 6 5 C 1 28
0-2 CM - Indian Cavalry 10 4 1 C 1 13
4-16 FP - Indian Foot 5 3 1 C 1 10 Various weapons

EARLY OSTROGOTHS - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
4-18 CP - Cavalry (*) 10 6 3 C 3 21 Impetuous
0-4 CL - Huns or Alans 12 4 1 B 2 27 Comp. Bow B
0-12 FP - German warriors (*) 5 4 4 C 2/3 12(9) Impetuous
4-24 S - Archers 8 2 0 B 1 12 Short Bow B
OR T - Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short Bow A

NOTES AND OPTIONS. German Warriors can for Large Units.
You can upgrade up to half Units of German Warriors to VBU=5 (Veterans). Final cost is 16pts per Unit.

ROMANO-BRITISH ("ARTHURIAN" PERIOD) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS= Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-6 CM - Cavalry (*) 10 5 2 B 3 23
0-2 CL - Scouts 12 3 1 C 1 13
12-40 FP - Pedyt (*) 5 4 1 C 2/3 12(9) Long Spear
0-8 FL - Irish Mercenaries 8 4 2 B 1 17
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short Bow B
0-2 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-2 S - Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling

NOTES AND OPTIONS. You can upgrade up to 2 Units of CM to CP with VBU=6 and I=3. Final cost is 30pts per Unit.
You can upgrade up to 8 Units of FP to VBU=5 and D=B. Final cost is 21pts per Unit.
FP can form Large Units and nullifies impetus bonus of impetuous foot.

EARLY SAXONS (IV-VI Cent. AD) - last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
2-10 FP- Nobles (*) 5 6 4 C 3 25 Impetuous
8-30 FP - Followers 5 4 4 C 2 12(9) Impetuous
0-4 S - Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short bow B
0-2 S - Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin

NOTES AND OPTIONS. Followers can form large Units.
Nobles cannot form Large Units.
Nobles can be provided with mounts at an additional cost of 1 pts per Unit.
Mounts allow these troops to move 10U (per phase) in their first activation.

BRITISH AND WELSH KINGDOMS last review: 11 February 2013 (checked)
CS: Poor (0 pts) or Average (12 pts)
NrType M VBUI DVD PtsNotes
0-1 CP- Nobles (*) 10 6 3 B 3 30
0-6 CM - Teulu (*) 10 5 2 B 2/3 23
0-2 CL - Combrogi 12 3 1 C 1 16 Javelin
0-8 FP - Teulu (*) 5 5 1 B 2/3 21(16) Long Spear
OR FL - Teulu 8 4 1 B 1 19 Javelin
2-8 FP - Combrogi (*) 5 5 1 C 2/3 16(12) Long Spear
OR FL - Combrogi 8 4 1 C 1 14 Javelin
0-4 T - Pagenses Archers 6 3 0 C 1 11 Short Bow A
OR S - Pagenses Archers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Short Bow B
0-2 S - Pagenses Javelinmen 8 2 0 C 1 7 Javelin
0-2 S - Pagenses Slingers 8 2 0 C 1 7 Sling
0-4 FL - Scot-Irish 8 4 2 B 1 20 Javelin
OR FL - Scot-Irish 8 4 2 C 1 10(8) Impetuous
0-4 FL - Pictish Warriors 8 4 1 B 1 19 Long Spear
0-2 S - Pictish Crossbowmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Crossbow B
0-4 FP - Saxon Warriors 5 4 4 C 1 12(9) Impetuous
0-2 FL - Saxon Javelinmen 8 2 0 B 1 12 Javelin

Teulu and Combrogi must be all FP or all FL.
FP and Impetuous FL can form Large units.

More beta lists coming soon

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